速報APP / 醫療 / BMI, body, weight Tracker

BMI, body, weight Tracker


檔案大小:11.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


BMI, body, weight Tracker(圖1)-速報App

You want to gain weight or lose weight, and to accomplish this successfully based on your diet? This application will be the choice right for you to complement the typical diet standards. Every day, you can review and analyze the data; you're on track to achieve your desired weight.

This app brings you the daily key parameters such as :

- Weight body includes detailed parameters: previous weight, current weight, and the weight you want to achieve

- Review of giving advice on the results you achieve when you import data into the app daily.

- Based on the BMI, body, your weight every day, from which you can easily calculate your BMI, and will be used to make data analysis chart fit you are are overweight, or underweight or normal weight standards.

The purpose of the application:

- Body weight tracker: Current height you want your weight gain is how much?

BMI, body, weight Tracker(圖2)-速報App

- Monitor your BMI, your body, your weight (BMI: Body Mass Index).

- Estimation and evaluation of BMI, body, weight over the chart

- Allows you to diet for the purpose of weight loss or weight gain

Main Features :

- Weight tracker with option to track your BMI, body, weight.

- Measurements may be represented in between Lb(Lbm,pound) and kg (kilogam), cm(centimeter) and ft(feet)

- Calculates BMI (Body Mass Index)

BMI, body, weight Tracker(圖3)-速報App

- Calculates daily calorie intake

- Calculates percentage body fat

- Calculates ideal weight based on age, height, body

- Graph chart that shows your overall weight loss progress over time

- Remind your weight to increase or decrease

- Input data of in progress.

- Displays data to show the quality of your daily progress

BMI, body, weight Tracker(圖4)-速報App

Finally, this app will also suggest your ideal weight and recommend the amount of time necessary to achieve that goal based on weight, height, body frame, gender and current age you. Of course, you can choose to alter the suggested targets based on your own plans, and tracker everything on the website http://weighttracker.medicals.vn

Download this app free today! Thanks you for download and use “BMI, body, weight tracker”.

BMI, body, weight Tracker(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad